Life is full of options, opportunities, choices, and chances; the ones we pick decide the future we make for ourselves. How do we know which way is the right one to take? The answer unfortunately is not a simple math problem, but a complex code of emotion. However, if we break the complexity down into its individual parts, then label them with understandable terms, the emotion becomes a light to choose the best possible pathway for each individual person rather than an indecisive pit of despair as it once used to be.
Take for example, the decision of whether to attend medical school or become a civil engineer; both respectable careers, how do you pick? Unfortunately, there is no numerical calculation we can punch into a computer to retrieve an answer. Why? Because each person is unique in that they desire something completely different from every other person, so a calculator of decision would be incorrect 99% of the time! This is what we do instead:
Quite simply, set a goal or aspiration you wish to achieve.
This means set some sort of plan for the future so you know where you are headed. It doesn't have to be a career or specific idea, but a general lifestyle choice as in where you want to live, family size, type of climate and employment.
- Don't think too hard, just imagine where you truly want to be in 30 years
Ask your one simple question: will I be proud of this decision?
When you think about it, pride is actually happiness but in a perspective that we can actually measure. When someone asks you, would it make you proud to be this? or do this? It is possible to actually answer the question versus an abstract idea like happiness.
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