Don't put up with another winter of discontent. There are simple things you can do to lift yourself out of the doldrums.
You Will Need:
• A doctor or mental health professional
• Natural sunlight
• A light box
• Stress reducers
• Negative air ionization
• A sunny vacation spot
• A dawn simulator (optional)
Step 1: Know what SAD is
Know what Seasonal Affective Disorder is. Called SAD for short, it's the depression some people feel during the winter, when there are fewer daylight hours. The cause is unknown, but it's suspected that lower levels of sunshine can affect some people's body clocks, hormones, & brain chemicals.
Step 2: Determine if you have SAD
If you've been depressed at least two winters in a row; the depression subsides in the spring & returns in the winter; & there are no other explanations for your melancholy, you might have SAD. If your seasonal depression is severe, get evaluated by a doctor or mental health professional. You may need medication to deal with your SAD.
Step 3: Let in the light
Get as much natural light as you can: Keep windows uncovered and get outside for at least 30 minutes daily during daylight hours – just make sure to wear sunscreen. Supplement this with light therapy: Sit in front of a light box designed to treat SAD for 30 minutes daily, first thing in the morning.
Step 4: De-stress
Getting 30 minutes of exercise per day, spending time with loved ones, eating a healthy diet, & getting enough sleep can all help.
Step 5: Try negative air ionization
Invest in a negative ion generator, which purifies indoor air. Researchers found that sitting in a room with the generator for 30 minutes a day reduced SAD symptoms. Make sure it's high-density; low-density ones are less effective.
Step 6: Get outta town
If all else fails, jet off to a sunny spot for a week or two. Hey, it's your health we're talking about, right?
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