How to learn?
That is a very asked question between teens and students who want to learn more for better results at school.In this article you'll find some advices that could help you to learn more,here we go.
-After you comming back from school,don't do homewors fisrt,eat,relax and sleep.
-After you sleeped a couple of hours,begin the homeworks.
-While doing the homeworks eat chocolate,it helps because chocolate got lecitine, a vitamine that keeps your neuron healtier.
-Don't stress to much with the homeworks.
-Don't let something to disturb you while doing homeworks(ex: tv,radio,etc.)
-Don't give up.
-Memory training( repeat the multiplication table)
-If the 1st time the exercise didn't get the propper result,try it again.
So,that is the steps that you have to follow for an improvement at school.
If you still have problems while learning,try a treateament with lecitine,but ask the doctor first.
Don't get stressed to much at school,this might couse you to loose your balance.
Don't fight at school!
Nowdays we have many bullies in schools,they want just to annoy everybody,so you better not mess with them.
If somebody is not leaving you alone,say this thing to a professor,they can help you to fix the problem with the bullie.
Staying in school is the best option for all of you.
Finish the school, so if you can get a propper job.
Be patinent at the classes,listen to every word that the teacher is telling you you guys.
Do not upset the teacher,don't make them loose their patient.
That was the advices that I can give to you for the moment,stay tunned for more.
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