Active Self Help Posts

How To: Build confidence by removing deodorant stains

Patricia Stark with Craving Confidence discusses how to build confidence by removing deodorant stains. A clean makeup sponge can help clear deodorant stains off of dark colored materials, like dress shirts or little black dresses. The makeup sponge grips onto the deodorant trail and soaks it up. You can even dampen the makeup sponge if necessary. The rubber consistency of the makeup sponge won't break apart like a paper towel or leave lint like a wash cloth or a towel will. Makeup sponges are...

How To: Make room for love with feng shui at home

Elizabeth Chamberlain, with Space Lift, demonstrates how to make room for love with feng shui at home. First, find your focus room with your energy map by laying the energy map on top of your floor plan. The love area is the far right corner from the front door, facing in. If the love area turns to be an outside area like a patio, clean it up. Remove the cacti and pointy plants to reduce arguments in the relationship. Clear out any unfinished materials and projects. Next, complete the area by...

How To: Build confidence with tips from professional athletes

This is a presentation of how to build up confidence on the red carpet. According to this interview section , being confidence is an important for any games or activities. And if you have talent, that’s the one thing which builds up your confidence. If you have talent and you are really confident about that talent then, you are really on the right track. Young persons can build up confidence by understanding and practicing their abilities. Among kids confidence can be build up by respecting p...

How To: Build confidence by fixing hanger bumps on clothes

A quick fix is to wet your hands and put it in the bumps of the clothing or your lucky sweater. She explain as you wet the area were the bump is located, you should with your wet hand dab it until the surface is smooth, once this is done, grab a hair blower (any type of hair blower will be good) and with your wet hand dry is as you stroke it gently and see the bump disappear with this simple and shape way to make your cloth look a lot better.

How To: Give a speech

Giving a speech in front of a large crowd doesn't need to be the nightmare everyone imagines it to be. We speak to many people every day and yet it is still very common for a person to be nervous when delivering information in front of several people. This fear can be overcome by practicing how to give a speech and being prepared.

How To: Improve your memory as you age

This video by Good Housekeeping shows you how to improve your memory as you age. Follow these steps to improve your memory: Practice by paying attention. For example whether your husband was wearing a tie this morning, or what your friend ate for lunch. Organize information into smaller groups. Create a to-do list. Repeat the name of the person you just met. Play word recall quizzes, which can be found at Good Housekeeping.

How To: Pass any urine screening for THC

This video is a tutorial that gives very helpful tips to viewers on how to pass any urine screening THC test. Viewers will learn how to prepare for a THC test and how to successfully pass the test. This video is for those who are currently doing drugs. This video will benefit those who are doing drugs because it will allow users to avoid failing the test and any consequences for failing. Viewers learn helpful tips such as: do not eat before taking the test, drink water and exercise.

How To: Look taller by dressing better

This video gives you 6 surefire tips on how to look taller just by dressing better. 1. Change your diet. Eat better and healthier. 2. Change your hairstyle because certain hairstyles can make you look taller. 3. Wear long dresses and high heels. 4. Fix your posture. 5. Sleep. With adequate sleep you can grow taller.6. Exercise, you can increase your height in 2-3 weeks with exercise. Following these steps you can look taller in no time at all.

How To: Deal with depression with Dr. Oz

Let Dr. Oz and Rozen show you how to deal with depression. Depression can affect how one feels about their body and their selves. See how your body deals with depression and responds to it. You can't will yourself out of depression, which isn't momentary it an actual disease. Learn how depression dulls even your immune system. Great steps to dealing with depression and options on how to reverse or deal with it. The doctors give you some statistical factual cures to help those suffering. Deal ...

How To: Increase height by stretching

In this video the author shows how to increase height by stretching your body. There are various stretching methods that you can follow to strain the body and stretch it there by helping it to grow. There are various stretching exercise like the Cobra method where you lay down on the floor and try to stretch your body by shaping your body in the form of an arc. There is an another exercise called super cobra where you stretch the body in the opposite direction. There are also other stretching...

How To: Grow taller by improving your posture

You might not be able to grow anymore, but you can still take some measures to utilize your natural build in a better way. You might have stopped growing, but doing simple stretching exercises can do wonders for your posture and make you appear as much as two inches taller. It can be easy hanging off a bar or stretching down to your toes and you will see noticeable improvement and be standing up straight as an arrow.

How To: Beat a drug test

When you are tested for drugs, the drugs can be found in your hair and blood. There are three types of tests: hair test, blood test and urine test. The urine test, being the cheapest, is the most common drug test. Some ways to beat this unwanted drug screening is by drinking x-amount of water, this dilutes the drug within your system. The second method is to inform them that you are a user, or that you attend frequent rock concerts. (This method isn't recommended because of the outrageous amo...

How To: Build confidence with improved presentation skills

Do your presentation skills need a little work? Being in front of a crowd or some potential clients may be one of the hardest things you will ever do, but staying confident makes all the difference. Losing any bit of confidence will result in your presentation falling flat and killing your self-esteem, and perhaps even risking your job. So, being confident is a must.

How To: File a restraining order

Is someone threatening, following, or preventing you from carrying on a normal, healthy safe life? Protect yourself from the threat of injury or physical harm by filing a restraining order. In this video, learn what steps are needed to file a restraining order.

How To: Deal with a needy neighbor

You're a nice person, and you want to be friendly with your neighbors. But some people will use that niceness to take advantage of you. Find that fine line between being firm and being rude to deal with your neighborly nuisance.

How To: Party with celebrities

So you want to party with celebrities. Whatever you do, don’t cry. You won’t just look silly—you’ll look unstable. Follow these steps to get you one step closer to hanging with the stars.

How To: Understand the Dewey Decimal System

Feeling lost inside a library? The Dewey Decimal System is a logical and popular book classification system for libraries and schools helping you to easily locate any book or periodical you need. Fool these steps to better understand the Dewey Decimal System.

How To: Win an argument

Is your girlfriend or boyfriend always right? No matter what you say, they will always be right? Well, in this tutorial learn how you can win in an argument fair and square with a few simple techniques.

How To: Report a car theft

The first thing that comes to mind when your car is stolen is: ####!! However, once calm, cover these bases when your car is stolen to notify relevant parties and help ensure vehicle recovery or replacement.

How To: Read or decode the Intelligent Mail Barcode or IMB

Ever wonder what those black bars across your business letters are for? Together, those 65 black bars are called the Intelligent Mail Barcode (or, "IMB"). First announced in 2003, the IMB came into use in 2006 for United States mail and served as a way to increase the amount of information carried on letters and mail flats, expanding the tracking capabilities for mail carriers. Your IMB is divided into four parts: Ascender (A), Full (F), Tracker (T), and the Descender (D). This video teaches ...

How To: Get a copy of a birth certificate

Loose your birth certificate? Or, need to get a copy of someone else's, like your daughter or son? Don't fear. In this how-to video learn the steps needed to be taken in order to obtain an additional or duplicate copy of your birth certificate. Before you get started you will need basic information on the person and Internet or library access. Good luck!

How To: Deal with & stand up to a bully

It’s scary, but you can learn how to stand up to a bully – and come out on top. You will need courage, wit, and even a bit of self-control. Bullies tend to pick on those who don't stand up for themselves, so being a little assertive helps. Find out how to stand up to a bully by watching this video self help tutorial.